Immense Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. अतिवृहत् अत्याधिक
  2. बहुत
  3. बहुत बड़ा
  4. बहुत बडा
  5. अपरिमित
  6. अमित
  7. बे हद्द
  8. विपुल
  9. विशाल

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of immense

  1. Heavenly, Perpetual, Incalculable, Glorious, Jumbo, Abysmal, Unbounded, Outsize, Weighty, Awesome, Big (vs Little), Inexhaustible, Illimitable, Interminate, Monstrous, Elephantine, Stupendous, Without Measure, Wonderful, Sterling, Monster, Without End, Without Limit, Without Bound, Prodigious, Sizable, Huge, Magnificent, Giantlike, Marvelous, Unmeasured, Cyclopean, Superexcellent, Gargantuan, Astr