Inspect Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. अनुदर्शन करना
  2. देखना
  3. निरीक्षण करना
  4. भालना
  5. जॉचना
  6. जांच करना
  7. जांचना
  8. परखना
  9. परीक्षण करना
  10. निरीक्षण
  11. जांि किना
  12. ननरीिर् करना

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of inspect

  1. Con, Take The Measure, Examine, Set An Examination, Visit, Study, Give The Eye, Contemplate, Ogle At, Check Up On, Check Up, Look At, Survey, Size Up, Eye, Inquire, Monitor, Take Stock Of, Canvas, Leer At, Overhaul, Pass Over, Postmortem, Size, Investigate, Canvass, Take A Long, Leer, Pass Under Review, View, Pore, Run Over, Review, Look Over, Hard Look, Scrutinize, Autopsy, Scrutinise, Vet, Give