- प्रचण्ड
- उत्कट
- प्रबल
- अत्यन्त तेज
- अति कठोर
- अतिमात्र
- अधिक
- खिंचा हुआ
- तीव्र
- भावुक
- अत्यधिक
- गहन
- तीव्रता
- प्रकषण
- प्रगाढ़ता
- भािी
- र्हुत ज्यादा
Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of intense
- Total, Bright, On The Job, Impulsive, Nice, Pressure-cooker(prenominal), Heated, Touchy, Feverish, Comprehensive, Bright-hued, Rigorous, Boiling Over, Cordial, Serious, Deep, Frantic, Hearty, Volatile, Attentive, Hysterical, Unrestrained, Finicking, Pure, Enthusiastic, Conscious, Terrible, Hot, Resolute, Brilliant, Fervid, Lusty, Big, Abandoned, Dynamic, Exuberant, Zealous, Smacking, Lively, Drunk