Inundation Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. बाढ‌़
  2. सैलाब
  3. आप्लाव
  4. आप्लावन
  5. जल प्लावन
  6. जलप्लावन

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of inundation

  1. Watering, Flooding, Whole Slew, Overabundance, Overmeasure, Deluge, Immersion, Pot, Swashing, Overpopulation, Hatful, Pour, Souse, Dewing, Whelming, Spillage, Dunking, Avalanche, Oversufficiency, Damping, Whole Lot, Redundancy, Geological Phenomenon, Superabundance, Lot, Lavishness, The Flood, Cataract, Alluvium, Humidification, Sousing, Baptism, Overprofusion, Submergence, Exaggeration, Dampening