Irrigate Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. भिगोना
  2. सींचना
  3. सीचंना
  4. पानी देना
  5. सिंचाई करना

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of irrigate

  1. Splash, Rarefy, Slosh, Adulterate, Asperge, Scrub, Hose, Humect, Water Down, Damp, Sprinkle, Bespatter, Wash Up, Sparge, Baptize, Launder, Lather, Moisten, Wet Down, Dilute, Mop, Douche, Reduce, Shampoo, Sluice Out, Holystone, Slobber, Tub, Swash, Thin, Besprinkle, Shower, Soap, Hose Down, Spatter, Paddle, Treat, Flush Out, Dabble, Splatter, Care For, Dew, Ritually Immerse, Sluice, Bathe, Wash Out