Joyful Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. खुश
  2. हर्षित

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of joyful

  1. Blessed, Exhilarated, Jovial, Mirth-loving, Exultant, Smirking, Festal, On Cloud Nine, Encouraging, Heartening, Beatific, Ecstatic, In Seventh Heaven, Jocular, Beatified, Mirthful, Pleased, Delighted, Cheerful, Effervescent, Smiling, Buoyant, Enlivening, Radiant, Glad, Gratified, Gladsome, Singing, Jocund, Blissful, Light-hearted, Happy (vs Unhappy), Gleeful, Risible, Thrice Happy, Rejoicing, Laug