Knave Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. गुलाम
  2. दुष्ट
  3. धोखेबाज़
  4. प्रव‌ंचक
  5. पाजी
  6. दोग़ला

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of knave

  1. Rowdy, Hearts, Blackguard, Scallywag, Imp, Left Bower, Picture Cards, Round, Royal Flush, Pack, Scapegrace, Rapscallion, Rogue, Bower, Trick, Mischief-maker, Hood, Cards, Elf, Trump, Hooligan, Rubber, Scoundrel, Deuce, Scalawag, Singleton, Enfant Terrible, Rascal, Heel, Cutup, Best Bower, Face Card, Varlet, Clubs, Mischief, Little Rascal, Joker, Prankster, Bastard, Face Cards, Trey, Dummy, Playing