Lair Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. जंगली जानवर की रहने की जगह
  2. माँद
  3. मांद
  4. बिछौना
  5. एकांत
  6. छिपने की जगह
  7. बिल

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of lair

  1. Bunker, Brothel, Cave, Foxhole, Refuge, Retreat, Cover, Subway, Habitation, Sewer, Niche, Hideaway, Joint, Hideout, Stash, Clip Joint, Form, Abri, Cloister, Cell, Cavern, Privacy, Grotto, Warren, Funk Hole, Secret Place, Covert, Hiding, Cove, Tunnel, Dump, Coverture, Hiding Place, Cubbyhole, Sanctuary, Hermitage, Run, Undercovert, Cathouse, Asylum, Burrow, Mew, Gyp Joint, Den, Sporting House, Cran