Lean Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. अपौष्टिक
  2. कम
  3. झुका
  4. तनु
  5. बिना चर्बी का मांस
  6. दुबली
  7. बेकार
  8. बिना चर्बी का
  9. झुकना
  10. झुकाव होना
  11. रूझान होना
  12. सहारे टिकना
  13. सहारे रखना
  14. अवअयस्क
  15. अपर्याप्त
  16. सहारा लेना
  17. टेक
  18. तिरछा
  19. दुबला―पतला
  20. प्रवृत्ति होना

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of lean

  1. Limited, Twiglike, Scrimp, Parsimonious, Fleshless, Tend, Deflect, Plain-speaking, Lanky, Slope, Terrorize, Paltry, Go Along With, Slender-waisted, Place, Bias, Bare, Serve, Turn, Trend, Would As Leave, Uprise, Heel, Be Open To, Dwarfed, Withered, Show A Tendency, Pure, Lean On, Divert, Be Game, Swear, Favor, Prosing, Gravitate, Lean Towards, Go, Lean (vs Rich), Climb, Frank, Common, Simple, Scant