Leap Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. कूद
  2. छलांग
  3. उछलना
  4. छलांग लगाना
  5. फांदना
  6. त्रोटन
  7. कूदना
  8. छलांग मारना
  9. झपअना

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of leap

  1. Interspace, Foreword, Capriole, Rung, Presupposition, Buckjump, Bustle, Proem, Trot, Crescendo, Greatening, Interruption, Preface, Hasten, Cavort, Hustle, Overture, Fox-trot, Bundle, Hurry On, Zooming, Jet, Upping, Pounce, Waxing, Uprise, Canter, Leeway, Git, Surge, Climbing, Hair Space, Ratio, Prefix, Leaping, Double-time, Shade, Discovery, Hop, Introduction, Uprisal, Climb, Amplification, Raise,