Masque Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. घूंघट
  2. छद्म मुख
  3. वर्णिका
  4. लीला―रूपक
  5. बनावटी चेहरा
  6. बुर्का

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of masque

  1. Sensational Play, Flop, Giveaway, Hen Party, Soap Opera, Masquerade, Drama, Party, Camouflage, Critical Success, Kaffeeklatsch, Hit Show, Antiaudience Success, Theater Of Cruelty, Garden Party, Comedy Drama, Problem Play, Country Dance, Smoke Screen, Piece, Bal, Promenade, Improvisational Drama, Playlet, Cliff Hanger, Sociodrama, Festivity, Masquerade Ball, Donation Party, Smoker, Teleplay, Shower