Merry Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. हंसमुख
  2. हँसोड़
  3. खुशदिल
  4. प्रमुदित
  5. प्रसन्न
  6. रमणीय
  7. प्रसन्नचित्त
  8. आनन्दित

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of merry

  1. Fou, Animated, Reeling, Rattling, Glorious, Jovial, Mirth-loving, Festal, Crapulent, Brisk, Energetic (vs Lethargic), Jocular, Tiddly, Mirthful, Delighted, Cheerful, Buoyant, Spanking, Drunken, Wild, Glad, Gladsome, Alert, Jocund, Light-hearted, Frolic, Gleeful, Shikker, Drenched, Risible, Intoxicated, Far-gone, Beery, Rejoicing, Laughter-loving, Gay, Nappy, Inebriate, Jolly, Unconstrained, Exuber