Moron Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. बेवकूफ़
  2. मूढ़बुद्धि
  3. मन्दबुद्वि
  4. निपट मूर्ख
  5. मंद बुद्धि
  6. मूर्ख

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of moron

  1. Dullhead, Congenital Idiot, Clot, Simple, Stupid, Mongoloid Idiot, Simp, Retard, Idiot, Dumbbell, Imbecile, Born Fool, Cretin, Ament, Dullard, Juggins, Zany, Defective, Natural-born Fool, Golem, Half-wit, Natural Idiot, Ignoramus, Simpleton, Changeling, Dummkopf, Dummy, Natural