Motive Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. प्रेरणा
  2. प्रवर्तक
  3. निमित्त
  4. मंशा
  5. वजह
  6. चलाने वाला
  7. प्रेरक
  8. अभिप्रेरणा
  9. कारण
  10. प्रवृत्ति
  11. हेतु
  12. अभिप्राय
  13. असभप्रेरर्
  14. उद्देश्य

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of motive

  1. Need, Impelling, Reason, Incentive, Concern, Motivation, Impulsive, Lure, Desideratum, Attraction, Point In Question, Causative, Burden, Directive, Incitement, Thrusting, Living Issue, Compelling, Topic, Moving, Activating, Causal, Goal, Emotion, Stimulation, Pressing, Project, Traveling, Urge, Aim, Goad, Will, View, Heading, Motivative(prenominal), Idea, Propulsory, Subject, Desideration, Influen