Neglect Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. अनादर
  2. गफलत
  3. लापरवाही
  4. उपेक्षा करना
  5. बिसारना
  6. असावधानी
  7. उपेक्षा
  8. भूल
  9. अनादर करना
  10. भूल जाना
  11. भुलाना
  12. सुध न लेना
  13. अवहेलना
  14. तिरस्कार
  15. उपेिा
  16. लापरिाही

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of neglect

  1. Scorn, Maladministration, Cold-shoulder, Look Right Through, Bad Policy, Misgovernment, Failing, Nonachievement, Inattention, Scant, Fail, Let Slip, Work Of Penelope, Inobservance, Contemn, Nod, Nonconsummation, Carelessness, Sleep, Pass Over, Slighting, Discount, Inactivity, Let Slide, Unobservance, Impolicy, Misadministration, Nonaccomplishment, Refuse To Acknowledge, Let Go, Be Negligent, Let R