Nothing Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. अभाव
  2. अर्नास्तत्व
  3. नाचीज
  4. शून्य
  5. कुछ नहीं
  6. तुच्छ बात या वस्तु या मनुष्य

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of nothing

  1. Nothing On Earth, Nobody, Marginal Matter, Matter Of Indifference, Nebbish, Unworthy, Thing Of Naught, Hollow Man, Zero, Scrub, Obscurity, No-good, No-account, Mediocrity, Nothing In Particular, Nada, Squit, Trifle, Naught, No Such Thing, Whippersnapper, Wind, Peanuts, Nought, Peu De Chose, Nihil, Nihility, Zilch, Valueless, Ought, Nothing To Signify, Dummy, Lightweight, Nothing At All, Dud, Thing