Ocean Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. अम्बुधि
  2. सगर
  3. समुद्र
  4. अत्यधिक फैलाव
  5. दक्षिण ध्रुव
  6. महासागर
  7. समंदर
  8. सागर

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of ocean

  1. Multitude, Mountain, Quantities, Gobs, The Briny, Plenty, Oceans, Brine, Worlds, Mass, Large Indefinite Quantity, Countlessness, Drink, Peck, Quantity, Oodles, Acres, Deep, Tons, Large Indefinite Amount, Water, Loads, Profusion, High Seas, Lots, Barrels, The Deep, The Depths, Numerousness, Body Of Water, Sea, Bushel, Much, Main, Plenitude, Superfluity, Plethora, Blue, Flood, Volume, Superabundance