Peel Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. गढ़ी
  2. छाल
  3. गिरना
  4. छिलका उतारना
  5. छिलना
  6. लूटना
  7. विशल्कन
  8. गढी
  9. छिलका
  10. छीलन
  11. छीलना

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of peel

  1. Break Off, Robert Sir Robert Politician, Come Off, Undress, Skin, Unclothe, Flake, Pol, Uncase, Chip, Strip Down, Robert Peel, Flake Off, Pare, Sir Robert Peel, Peel Off, Strip, Political Leader, Plant Tissue, Chip Off, Politico, Discase, Break Away, Take Off, Disrobe, Rind