Robust Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. बलवान
  2. बली
  3. मजबूत
  4. स्वस्थ
  5. हष्ट―पुष्ट
  6. असभ्य
  7. ज़बर्दस्त
  8. पुष्ट
  9. मांस-पेशी वाला
  10. सुदृढ़
  11. हट्टा-कट्टा
  12. तगड़ा

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of robust

  1. Stalwart, Cast-iron, Strapping, Beefy, Square-shouldered, Vigorous, Heavy-armed, Tasteful (vs Tasteless), Iron, Buirdly, Rugged (vs Delicate), Burly, Husky, Broad-shouldered, Rich, Robust (vs Frail), Chesty, Full-bodied, Sturdy, Hardy, Square-built, Stout, Big-chested, Big-shouldered, Strong (vs Weak), Strong, Healthy, Racy, Big-boned, Unrefined (vs Refined)