Solitary Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. नि:स‌ंग
  2. निराला
  3. विविक्त
  4. अकेला
  5. एकमात्र
  6. अंधेरा
  7. एकान्त
  8. एकान्तवासी
  9. निर्जन
  10. कालकोठरी की सज़ा
  11. अके ला
  12. एकांत

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of solitary

  1. Nonsocial, Lone, Hermit, Lonesome, Solitary Confinement, Unfrequented, Nongregarious, Solitudinarian, Troglodyte, Only, Recluse, Alone, Lonely, Sole