Thought Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. खयाल
  2. मति
  3. राय
  4. विचारधारा
  5. सोच-विचार
  6. इरादा
  7. कुछ-कुछ
  8. चिन्तन
  9. चिन्ता
  10. थोड़ा सा
  11. धयान
  12. मनन
  13. विचार
  14. विवेचन

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of thought

  1. Concentrate, Wish, Centre, Change, Thought Process, Think Over, Mental Object, Cerebration, Expect, Center, Sentiment, Mentation, Intellection, Anticipate, Envisage, Opinion, Focus, Cognitive Content, Think, Imagine, Belief, Think Up, Content, Suppose, Thinking, Will, View, Pore, Remember, Idea, Think Back, Call Up, Conceive Of, Believe, Judge, Consider, Persuasion, Mean, Higher Cognitive Process,