Unconscious Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. अन्जान
  2. बेहोश
  3. बेसुध
  4. अचेत
  5. अचेतन
  6. अनजान
  7. अचेतन मन

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of unconscious

  1. Asleep, Unconscious (vs Conscious), Involuntary (vs Voluntary), Innocent, Nonvoluntary#, Unconscious(predicate), Knocked Out(predicate), Cold, Stunned, Unaware (vs Aware), Nonvoluntary, Ko'd, Ignorant, Comatose, Mind, Head, Senseless, Brain, Psyche, Semicomatose, Subconscious, Unconscious Mind, Kayoed, Out(predicate), Insensible, Unvoluntary, Involuntary#, Nous, Nonconscious, Unaware