मुँह (Muanh) Meaning in English with Examples
Meaning in English
- To be thirsty
- Muzzle
- Beak
- Mouth
- Opening
- Regard
- Consideration
- Standing
- Prestige
- Pretension
- Capacity
- Boldness
- To look aghast
- To be taken aback
- The lips to be sealed
- To lack reserve
- To be outspoken
- To avoid
- To turn the face away from
- To bribe
- To have no restraint whatever over ones utterance
- To be in the habit of saying any and everything
- To turn away the face from
- To disregard
- An opening
- Orifice
- Hole
- Aperture
- Courage
- Strength
- High-spirited
- High-spiritedness
- 603 hardmouthedness
- To receive a blow on the face
- To be brow-beaten
- To be lost to shame
- To become brazen
- To toady
- To make much of
- To concede superiority
- To compliment for working wonders
- Crushing
- To frown or scowl
- Incontrovertible
- To yawn
- To desire too much
- To mock
- To be astonished
- Openly
- To be rendered mute
- Not to utter a word
- To ask for ever more
- To find one favourably disposed
- To cut the ground from under ones feet
- To offer sweets to celebrate a happy occasion or a good news
- To be very meek
- To be reactive
- To be averse to
- To abstain from
- To be agreeable to the taste of
- To become used to
- To allow someone to take undue liberties
- To be expressly displeased
- To sulk
- To be blushed red
- To be thoroughly chagrined
- To give hush-money
- To make an unguarded utterance
- To say something that should not have been said
- Not to be able to speak out
- Source
- Reticent
- The mouth
- Face
- Inlet
- Outlet
- Fitness
- Charred-faced
- To go all out in pursuit of
- To speak out unrestrictedly
- To incite to be impertinently frank
- To gape in amazement
- To ask for something
- To be vituperatively outspoken
- To talk insincerely
- To be displeased
- Involving sham regard
- Just for appeasement
- Unblossomed
- Fully answering ones wish
- Mouth to be salivated
- To grow very much emaciated and pallid
- To be too much ashamed
- To lose ones facial lustre
- To be exonerated
- To be spared humiliation and disgrace
- To have ones face saved
- To come out with flying colours
- To be dismal-looking
- To deprive somebody of his acquirement
- Sweet without but malicious within
- To go about wenching
- To get out of sight
- Be disgraced
- To have gone out of sight
- To have been damned
- To suffer a humiliating defeat
- To stoop to a very low level
- Cakehole
- Yap
- Gob
- The forepart
- Maw
- The forepart (of anything)
Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of मुँह
- किनारा, दिशा में, मुख विवर, नोजल, अंतर्व्यास, छिद्र, छिद्र मुख, नलः टोंटी, मुख मंडल, खड़ा तट, द्वार, दिशा, बरतनः टोंटी
मुँह(Muanh) Meaning and Definition in Hindi
- (क) प्राणियों में आँखों और नाक के नीचे का वह अंग जो विवर के रूप में होता है और जिसके अन्दर जीभ, तालू, दाँत, स्वर यंत्र आदि तथा बाहर होंठ होते हैं।
- काटने चबाने, खाने पीने और बोलने या चिल्लाने चीखनेवाला अंग।
- (ख) मनुष्यों का यही अंग जो उनके बोलने चालने या बात चीत करने और मन के भाव व्यक्त करने में भी सहायक होता है।
- विशेष ‘मुँह’ से सम्बन्ध रखनेवाले अधिकतर पद और मुहावरे प्रायः उक्त कार्यों के आधार पर ही बने हैं और उनमें औपचारिक या लाक्षणिक रूप से ही अर्थापदेश हुआ है।
- (क) खान पान आदि से सम्बद्ध।