मुँह (Muanh) Meaning in English with Examples

Meaning in English

  1. To be thirsty
  2. Muzzle
  3. Beak
  4. Mouth
  5. Opening
  6. Regard
  7. Consideration
  8. Standing
  9. Prestige
  10. Pretension
  11. Capacity
  12. Boldness
  13. To look aghast
  14. To be taken aback
  15. The lips to be sealed
  16. To lack reserve
  17. To be outspoken
  18. To avoid
  19. To turn the face away from
  20. To bribe
  21. To have no restraint whatever over ones utterance
  22. To be in the habit of saying any and everything
  23. To turn away the face from
  24. To disregard
  25. An opening
  26. Orifice
  27. Hole
  28. Aperture
  29. Courage
  30. Strength
  31. High-spirited
  32. High-spiritedness
  33. 603 hardmouthedness
  34. To receive a blow on the face
  35. To be brow-beaten
  36. To be lost to shame
  37. To become brazen
  38. To toady
  39. To make much of
  40. To concede superiority
  41. To compliment for working wonders
  42. Crushing
  43. To frown or scowl
  44. Incontrovertible
  45. To yawn
  46. To desire too much
  47. To mock
  48. To be astonished
  49. Openly
  50. To be rendered mute
  51. Not to utter a word
  52. To ask for ever more
  53. To find one favourably disposed
  54. To cut the ground from under ones feet
  55. To offer sweets to celebrate a happy occasion or a good news
  56. To be very meek
  57. To be reactive
  58. To be averse to
  59. To abstain from
  60. To be agreeable to the taste of
  61. To become used to
  62. To allow someone to take undue liberties
  63. To be expressly displeased
  64. To sulk
  65. To be blushed red
  66. To be thoroughly chagrined
  67. To give hush-money
  68. To make an unguarded utterance
  69. To say something that should not have been said
  70. Not to be able to speak out
  71. Source
  72. Reticent
  73. The mouth
  74. Face
  75. Inlet
  76. Outlet
  77. Fitness
  78. Charred-faced
  79. To go all out in pursuit of
  80. To speak out unrestrictedly
  81. To incite to be impertinently frank
  82. To gape in amazement
  83. To ask for something
  84. To be vituperatively outspoken
  85. To talk insincerely
  86. To be displeased
  87. Involving sham regard
  88. Just for appeasement
  89. Unblossomed
  90. Fully answering ones wish
  91. Mouth to be salivated
  92. To grow very much emaciated and pallid
  93. To be too much ashamed
  94. To lose ones facial lustre
  95. To be exonerated
  96. To be spared humiliation and disgrace
  97. To have ones face saved
  98. To come out with flying colours
  99. To be dismal-looking
  100. To deprive somebody of his acquirement
  101. Sweet without but malicious within
  102. To go about wenching
  103. To get out of sight
  104. Be disgraced
  105. To have gone out of sight
  106. To have been damned
  107. To suffer a humiliating defeat
  108. To stoop to a very low level
  109. Cakehole
  110. Yap
  111. Gob
  112. The forepart
  113. Maw
  114. The forepart (of anything)

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of मुँह

  1. किनारा, दिशा में, मुख विवर, नोजल, अंतर्व्यास, छिद्र, छिद्र मुख, नलः टोंटी, मुख मंडल, खड़ा तट, द्वार, दिशा, बरतनः टोंटी

मुँह(Muanh) Meaning and Definition in Hindi

  1. (क) प्राणियों में आँखों और नाक के नीचे का वह अंग जो विवर के रूप में होता है और जिसके अन्दर जीभ, तालू, दाँत, स्वर यंत्र आदि तथा बाहर होंठ होते हैं।
  2. काटने चबाने, खाने पीने और बोलने या चिल्लाने चीखनेवाला अंग।
  3. (ख) मनुष्यों का यही अंग जो उनके बोलने चालने या बात चीत करने और मन के भाव व्यक्त करने में भी सहायक होता है।
  4. विशेष ‘मुँह’ से सम्बन्ध रखनेवाले अधिकतर पद और मुहावरे प्रायः उक्त कार्यों के आधार पर ही बने हैं और उनमें औपचारिक या लाक्षणिक रूप से ही अर्थापदेश हुआ है।
  5. (क) खान पान आदि से सम्बद्ध।